Chris Passmore


Your Social Media CPA!

My name is Chris Passmore and I’m passionate about sharing News & Numbers important to social media creators, influencers, entrepreneurs, business owners and anyone else interested! I will address strategies to reduce your income taxes, ways to protect your assets, the impact of current events on your business, business best practices as well as other important money saving tips!


Receive important News and Numbers relevant to you and your business!

Upcoming Due Dates


April 15

Tax returns or extensions due for C Corporations and Individuals


May 15

Tax returns due for non profit entities


June 17

Second quarter estimated tax payments due


Income Taxes

In an ideal world we could all “unsubscribe” from the IRS website? But until that option exists, we can work together to minimize your income tax burden. Check out my blog, podcast and YouTube videos for tax savings tips and techniques.



If you are overwhelmed, or even terrified, of accounting I’m here to help! I’ve practiced accounting for over 20 years and have developed a method to explain both simple and complex accounting topics to people with no prior experience. Check out my courses and start learning the skill necessary for all business owners.



Are you a business owner who just wants a second opinion on a contract matter, accounts receivable collections or other general best practices? If so, reach out to me to schedule a time to talk further. With my experience as both a private company controller as well as a practicing CPA, I have dealt with so many different situations and I’d be happy to advise you in any way.



— Warren Buffett


You Can’t Miss This!

I have spotlighted the below videos as they focus on current topics relevant for you and your business. These videos will change regularly so check back often to see today’s current events.


A different type of social.

Beyond the numbers, what are we here for? I say we are here to connect with others and to develop meaningful relationships. So I started a networking group for other professionals who have an interest in road cycling and mountain biking. Members of this group include accountants, attorneys, executives, insurance professionals, realtors as well as several others. If you are interested in meeting other professionals sign up below for information on our next ride!

If you are unsure of your biking skills, our rides range in length and difficulty. On average, a mountain biking event ranges from 15-20 miles and a road biking event ranges from 25-30 miles.

If you live in the San Fernando or Conejo Valleys, you may be familiar with this location. This photo was taken from MASH Site located in Malibu Creek State Park. I often ride my mountain bike through the Creek of Doom, seriously, to get to the MASH Site and the scenery never disappoints. This is just one example of the amazing outdoors we have in Southern California! We have sites like this, waterfalls, creeks, ponds and several hidden trails if you know where to look.

Outdoors. Among real people. Go figure.

Outdoors. Among real people. Go figure.

MTB Thumbnail.jpg

Sign up for more information about out next networking ride!